Author Index >Arnaud FOURNIER

  • Oxial
  • Country: Switzerland
  • E-mail: arnaud[dot]fournier[at]oxial[dot]net

Arnaud FOURNIER is working for Oxial, a provider of an on-demand service solution ded-icated to Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), as a Manager with 2 main objectives, consolidate the product’s editorial line and develop partnerships. He was formerly a Product Manager for a software concentrated on Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) sub-jects. He has also a professional experience as a management consultant, specialized in pro-cess, risk, internal control and audit. He has a Postgraduate degree (DEA) in Economics (Uni-versity Montesquieu Bordeaux IV) and an Executive Master in Quality Management (Kedge business School Bordeaux). His research interests are in the field of systems theory to help or-ganization to comprehend and answer all variety of risks, especially human related risks.

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