Author Index >Dimitri GOLENKO-GINZBURG
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Dimitri GOLENKO-GINZBURG has graduated the Department of Economics at the Mos-cow Institute of National Economics in 1954. In 1958, he also graduated the Department of Mathematics at the Moscow State University. He holds a PhD diploma in Applied Mathemat-ics from 1962 and has been awarded a Doctor of Technical Sciences diploma by the Chief Degree Awarding Council of the USSR (1966), as well as a Professor diploma in 1968. After immigrating to Israel in 1985, he has been visiting professor in 1986 and full professor in 1988 at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva (Professor-Emeritus since 2004). Currently he is full Professor within the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Ariel University of Samaria, Ariel. He is also Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2007), Honorary Member of the Russian Project Man-agement Association (SOVNET, 2007). He is author of more than 22 books and over 500 journal articles in the field of project management, organization systems control under random disturbances, and more. | |
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